How to Easily Update Category Links in Showit: A Step-by-Step Guide




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Alright, let’s talk about your Showit website, specifically how to change a category link. I know, I know, it sounds a bit daunting, but stick with me, because we’re about to walk through this step-by-step. You’ll have that category link updated in no time, and the process is way easier than you’d think!

Step 1: Head Over to the Category Section Within Showit

First things first, you need to go to the category section within your Showit platform. Once you’re there, you’ll see options for creating or managing your categories. This is your starting point.

A Showit categories menu within a photography blog design

Step 2: Name Your Category

Think about what you want this new category to be called. Is it going to be “Wedding Photography,” “Lifestyle Tips,” or something else entirely? Give it a name that aligns with the content you’ll be posting under it.

Step 3: Visit Your WordPress Dashboard

Showit and WordPress are like besties that just can’t be separated. So now, hop on over to your WordPress dashboard. This is where the magic happens.

Step 4: Click on “Categories” Under “Posts”

You’ll see a sidebar in your WordPress dashboard. Look for the “Posts” section and then click on “Categories.” This is where you’ll be creating the new category you just named in Showit.

Finding the categories tab within your WordPress dashboard

Step 5: Create Your Category

This is as simple as entering the name you decided on earlier. You can also add a description if you like, but that’s totally optional.

Step 6: Copy The “View” Link

Once you’ve created your category, you’ll notice there’s a “view” button next to it. Right-click on that button and copy the link. This is the URL you’ll be linking to in Showit.

Copying the link address of a WordPress blog category

Step 7: Back to Showit You Go

Go back to Showit and find those design elements you want to link to your new category. Highlight them because they’re about to get linked.

Step 8: Click on “Click Actions”

With your elements highlighted, look for the “click actions” option on the right sidebar. Yep, you guessed it, click on it.

Selecting the click action link type on Showit

Step 9: Configure that Link

You’ll see a link section with a “type” optin. Hit it, and you’ll get a dropdown. If you’ve selected multiple elements, you’ll be shown a button that says “configure link”.

Step 10: Paste The URL and Save

Choose the “URL” option, paste the link you copied earlier from WordPress, and hit save. Yes, it’s really that simple.

Step 11: Publish to See the Changes

All that’s left to do is publish your Showit site to see your changes live. Hit that “Publish” button in the top right corner and do a little happy dance, because you, my friend, have successfully updated a category link within Showit.

And there you have it! A step-by-step guide to changing a category link in Showit. See? I told you it was easier than you thought it would be. Now go make your website even more awesome!

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